Archimed Pro is the environment in which other analysis modules are housed. It provides a powerful framework of standard and advanced imaging facilities for science and industry.
Acquiring, Archiving and Extended Focus with Archimed Pro
Archimed Pro is an innovative and simple-to-use, elegantly designed imaging interface for users of microscopes. The inteface has ben designed to make all functions immediately accessible with the minimum of knowledge of image processing.
A clear, live image is presented from the camera mounted on the microscope, to create a report you simply drop the image into the instant report generator and print.
This simple mechanism is repeated for all functions of Archimed Pro.
The database module allows you to easily create an interactive image database based on the MS Access format, allowing multi-criteria searches in user selected headings. A small image scrapbook is also printable.
The extended focus facility uses highly advanced image processing technology to create fully focused images from a series of partially focused images.
The real-time video module displays an image digitized by the acquisition board. The image can be calibrated, annotated, enhanced in real time like on a TV monitor.
Options allow the accumulation of images for weakly illuminated objects and averaging for noisy images
Archimed Pro additional function summary:
- System calibration
- Image enhancement, averaging
- Extended focus
- Image integration and annotations
- Adjustable calibration scale
- Reporting
- Image processing
- Image stitching
- Contrast enhancement
- Clarity improvement
- Magnification adjustment
- Color adjustment and modification
The report module controls an image presentation form, along with the free positioning of photos, insertion of a logo, annotation of legends. The images are directly "imported" into the report from the database, camera or processing module.
The image processing module
allows modification of the image to enhance it, render it clearer or accentuate its colors.
A highly innovative function allows setting the image's size to a known optical magnifying factor. With an indexed X, Y stage, the mapping module allows you to arrange into a single image the acquisition of several images. The constructed image becomes
a high definition image which can be printed and even exported to other software.
ARCHIMED PRO - Image Analysis Modules Videomet - Areas - Granix - Gsizer - Ellix Filtrex - Replay
Areas measures the surface areas of different phases of a material, designated and defined by the user. Areas provides the following results :
VideoMet is software for taking measurements of workpieces and/or parts which has many powerful and interactive tools. With its edge sensor by image analysis VideoMet becomes a video profile projector. VideoMet allows you to make several readings of the same dimension. The measurements are : position, length, width, extension, tab diameter, radius, equivalent diameter, perimeter, surface and form factor.
Granix analyzes particles by a contactless electronic screening. This technique rapidly obtains the granulometric characteristics of a population, which is then expressed according to recommendations from standards.
GrainSizer provides a rapid estimate of grain index according to the ASTM E-112 and NF04-102 standards. The following results are stored :
- Mean grain area
- average number of grains per mm2
- ASTM or NF index
Ellix is software for automatically analyzing shapes, which matches the shape of an image's objects to various geometric models. Ellix provides s a very complete graphical representation module :
- distribution histogram,
- clouds of points
- an orientation rosette whose axes and scales are completely parameterizable
Statistical calculations are also provided.
Filtrex is an automatic particle and fiber counting application.
With an X,Y Automatic stage, Filtrex thoroughly analyses filters and membranes of any kind.
Replay is a digital video recorder, which automatically records video images from a PC equipped with an acquisition board. The recording is executed according in 4 modes :
- Manually
- Periodically
- When the image changes
- When the image stabilizes
With the Thermo software, Replay records a session of images with the temperature inset in each image. The sessions can be stored as an AVI film. The temperature value can be given by a Mettler or Linkam controller associated with an FP series or Linkam series heating plate